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[Nouvelles technologies, sciences et coups de gueule…]


Version Française de cette page.

On April 1, 2019, I introduced an animation on About page. This kind of animation is called a DEMO (comes from the word demonstration) - it's about techno-art, an association between technology and art.

This practice dates back to the 1980s, just after the appearance of the first personal computers is certainly linked to the lack of software. Users have started writing programs often in machine language (assembler) to display images with music. Quickly, the scrolling appeared, then the effects became complex without necessarily having more powerful machines, but trying to make the most of the resources of these machines.

This gave rise to demos-parties where people met to compete on the basis of different technical or artistic criteria. The language used for theses performance type is the assembler in order to have the most of the power of machines, another reason and not least, is that historically there was no real choice.

Regarding DEMO by itself, the animation part is 100% HTML / CSS. For the launcher, I resigned myself to use JavaScript because browsers have too different behaviours between editors and platforms. This is especially true for the display of the sound control interface.

More details on French version of this page.

Stuffs to see in demo

See French version of this page.


Hmm, one last thing that is wrong with this DEMO it completely breaks the logic of the site, which is to be energy efficient both server side and web client side, but hey it's just to make me (me) happy.

More details on French version of this page.


Not easy, there are some everywhere. Well, to begin:

More Credits on French version of this page.

Your comments and questions are welcome.


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